Sunday, January 27, 2013

Photography Challenge

1: A Memory
 2: Water
 3: Bold Colors
 4: Culture
 5: Hand Writing
 6: Luxury
 7: My Reflection (A reflection of my camera in my eye..)
 8: Symmetrical
 9: Something From a Distance
 10: Time


  1. The reflection was well done. Very creative.

  2. Love the lines and shape of the water shot! I would have loved for that image to be a bit brigher.

    The handwriting shot has some great lines and nice harmony between the elements.

    I love the crispness in the eye shot and the lines in some of your other photos.

    I would love to see you work on experimenting with possibly breaking some of the rules of composition.

  3. Great job, you had some really creative shots. My favorites are the water one (I love the red food coloring in the water) and the piano one (you did a great job with the lighting and contrast). One thing you could try is more varying anges, and I agree Mrs. Webb's comment about experimenting, it would be very interesting. :)

  4. I love the photos of your reflection it was very creative and the food coloring in water the colors are striking.
